Ironie & List

Ironie & List


Konvolut001 / Konvolut

LP (col.) + download code

Beautiful and engrossing on both an musical and visual level: I&L’s debut record sits somewhere between jazz, electronic, ambient and post-rock. Deluxe, reversible cover, green marbled vinyl (exclusive to Stickman) including download.

Stream the album here!

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  1. Obstinat
  2. Apnoe
  3. Geheimrat Lügengold
  4. Krondrücken
  5. Excerpt
  6. Pulsar
  7. Portalroyal
  8. Kongomüller
  9. Pyroclast
  10. Leaving The Cross
  11. Karoshi
  12. Ungesichter
  13. Warmekatze

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